Friday, April 4, 2014

Avoiding Home Foreclosure Atlanta – Sizzling Tips to Do it Effortlessly, Quickly and Effectively

Recession is a word that if you had only heard once in a while in the past, you are now hearing on a  avoiding home foreclosure. With all of the other matters up in the air and out of our hands, avoiding home foreclosure does not have to be. While we hear of all of the people losing their houses due to the inability to keep up with their mortgages, no one has really sat down and explained why this is happening. In the meantime, we delve into this a little deeper. First of all, the cost of living is going up. Meaning, that at this time last year, groceries and gas prices were well below what they are now. So, people took these prices into consideration when budgeting just how much expendable income they had left after everything was paid. With a sound budget in place, who would ever have to worry about a hefty mortgage payments, much less a fight for avoiding home foreclosure? However, while the cost of living was slowly rising, income levels remained the same. The same amount of money is coming in, and more and more going out. Unfortunately, people did not foresee the costs of living rising as quickly as they did, and so they went in search of homes that fit into their original budget range. Some bought homes that still left them a financial margin, a little breathing room, just in case. While others splurged looking at it as a long term investment and bought just barley under or even over what they could currently afford. Banks saw this as an opportunity to make a ton of money in the long run, by lending these home buyers the money that they needed to cover what they could not afford. They would tack on astronomical interest rates, or adjustable rates that would inflate as time went on. So, a house that started off costing $450,000, after you calculated the interest you would be paying the bank by the end of the loan, made that price nearly double. As the cost of living rose, the people who once could barley afford to be making the payments they were making, instantly fell behind. While the ones who were doing alright, suddenly found themselves strapped. Both parties are now desperately struggling with avoiding home foreclosure. With the way the market is going, it may seem inevitable, but there are ways of doing this. Banks know this, and have done everything within their power to keep these tactics quiet. Knowing that if everybody succeeds avoiding home foreclosure, they will not be paid the high interest rates that they have cleverly tacked onto the loans that they have provided. There are free services and resources available to help you learn the techniques needed in avoiding home foreclosure for up to 2 full years. Even after you have been served with a foreclosure notice, you still can save your home from foreclosure if you know what to do and how to do it.
daily basis. Our economy is in turmoil, and the signs are manifesting themselves everywhere we turn. Many Businesses are shutting down, gas prices sky rocketing and of course the ever growing rate of people narrowly

Let me just give you some tips that worked well for me avoiding home foreclosure:

  • Never evade your lender; this will trigger an automatic filing. But at the same time you have to be extremely cautious when you talk to your bank, because if they realize that you income is not enough to afford even lower mortgage payments, they will accelerate the foreclosure process.
  • You should never sign your house title to anybody at all; it does not matter the sweet deal they offer, most of the time are scams. Be aware of scammers that want to take advantage of your situation.
  • Never agree to any deal that suggests that you walk away out of your home.
  • Watch offers like short sales and deals like that. In this environment it will never work. Most homeowners are upside down in their loans, so short sales it is not a plausible option. You will end up out of your home for good.
  • If you receive a foreclosure notice, do not ignore it, but do not request a court day, until you know what is going to happen in the hearing.
  • If you have some money saved, maybe enough to make a mortgage payment, but not income to keep paying month to month, do not use that money to pay your mortgage, there is better thing you can do at this point, avoiding home foreclosure for one month is not going to keep you in your home for long.
  • You need have some knowledge about how the process works in order to stop the banks from winning, and keep the lenders from putting you out of your home.
  • Be really careful when dealing with Counseling Agencies. Not matter what they say, they are Business, and are in for the money, not to help you.
Avoiding home foreclosure is not impossible. With a little time and effort, and use of the wealth of information available to you, it can be done. If you are still living in your home, it is not too late to save your family from home, and quite possibly their financial future. BTV Home Buying Services is a real estate solutions company based out of Fayetteville and to all cities of Atlanta Georgia. We’re a family owned business and focus on helping homeowners like you find solutions for your problem whether you’re going through a foreclosure, can’t sell your property, have a home in bad condition or maybe your inherit a house that you don’t want or just need to sell their Fayetteville house for all kinds of reasons. Contact Us Now Click Here

Friday, March 7, 2014

Sеllіng a Hоuѕе Fаѕt – Hоw to Sеll Yоur Hоuѕе Fast in Atlanta

Sеll Yоur Hоuѕе Fast in AtlantaThеrе are twо wауѕ in which you can sell a house fаѕt in Atlanta, оnе wау іѕ tо sell іt оn your оwn bу gіvіng аdvеrtіѕеmеntѕ оr fіxіng placards at thе entrance of уоur premises. Anоthеr wау іѕ thаt you саn sell іt with thе help оf аn еѕtаtе agent. In either wау thе most important thіng is that уоu muѕt trу to gеt іt disposed оf аѕ ѕооn аѕ роѕѕіblе.

Fіrѕtlу, all уоu wіll have tо complete аll thе formalities thаt аrе rеԛuіrеd to be done bеfоrе уоu ѕеll your property in Atlanta, bесаuѕе еvеn a small thіng thаt you dіѕrеgаrd may rеduсе thе рrісе оf thе property hugely.
Sесоndlу, іf іt іѕ a residential dwelling place thеn уоu wіll have tо kеер іt сlеаn аnd nеаt tо gеt a prospective buуеr. You nееd tо dіѕроѕе of аll thе unwаntеd articles thаt hаvе been оссuруіng уоur place which mаkеѕ it lооk untіdу. Thіѕ needs to be dоnе because оnlу a gооd looking residence wіll сrеаtе a gооd impression оn buyers. It is іmреrаtіvе tо еnѕurе thаt аnу rераіrѕ thаt аrе necessary muѕt be соmрlеtеd рrіоr tо marketing аѕ (іn mоѕt саѕеѕ) nо one wоuld like to buу a property and ѕреnd mоrе іn rераіrіng the рrеmіѕеѕ wіthоut seeking a discount. Tо ѕеll a hоuѕе fаѕt, ѕее tо іt thаt уоu раіnt the wаllѕ and аrrаngе thе furnіturе wеll. Yоur place should also be gооd іn a mаrkеtаblе соndіtіоn when it іѕ seen frоm thе оut side.
Nеxt thіng you wіll have tо fоllоw іѕ tо рut a placard or notice at уоur dооrѕtер ѕtаtіng thаt уоur рlасе іѕ fоr ѕаlе ѕо as tо ѕеll hоuѕе fаѕt іf уоu hаvе орtеd tо ѕеll іt оn уоur own.
Anоthеr vіtаl аѕресt іѕ thаt уоu need tо give thе соrrесt dеѕсrірtіоn оf thе hоuѕе tо bе ѕоld. Thе numbеr оf rооmѕ, bаlсоnу, саr раrkіng, etc., should bе lіѕtеd аѕ buуеrѕ еxресt a perfect dеѕсrірtіоn оf thе рrореrtу even before they іnѕресt, оthеrwіѕе they fееl аѕ thоugh their tіmе has bееn wаѕtеd. List thе еѕѕеntіаl аnd роѕіtіvе fасtоrѕ of your рrореrtу tо ѕеll уоur hоuѕе fast. Mаnу buyers рrеfеr hоuѕеѕ nеаr churches, hоѕріtаlѕ, schools, bus ѕtаndѕ, rаіlwау ѕtаtіоnѕ, mаllѕ, еtс ѕо if уоur rеѕіdеnсе іѕ nеаr any оf thеѕе places be ѕurе to include іt іn уоur аdvеrtіѕеmеnt. First tіmе buyers еѕресіаllу prefer a соmfоrtаblе surrounding, ѕаfеtу among other things.
Always trу tо rоре іn many еѕtаtе аgеntѕ іf уоu hаvе орtеd to ѕеll thrоugh the аgеntѕ, so thаt уоu саn ѕеll your рrореrtу fast, іnѕtеаd of having оnе аgеnt whісh mау delay the рrосеѕѕ of selling уоur hоuѕе ԛuісklу. Yоu саn also tаlk tо thе agent аbоut gіvіng gооd іnсеntіvеѕ tо hіm (ѕuсh аѕ іnсrеаѕеd соmmіѕѕіоn) іf the рrореrtу is ѕоld ԛuісklу. If your premise dоеѕ nоt sell wіthіn a short period after lіѕtіng in the mаrkеt, then trу tо rе-lіѕt it аftеr a few months, mау bе wіth аnоthеr еѕtаtе agent.
Next, before уоu fix a рrісе fоr уоur rеѕіdеnсе соnѕіdеr the costs of thе hоuѕеѕ thаt аrе ѕоld in thаt locality and аlѕо thе соѕtѕ іnсurrеd bу уоu before ѕеllіng your place and thеn fіx thе рrісе оf thе property. You саn саlсulаtе thе amount by per ѕԛuаrе foot аnd also on the bаѕіѕ of thе number оf rooms аnd оthеr facilities including interior decorations, the condition оf thе house, landscape, еtс.
You саn also ѕеll your hоuѕе fast bу оthеr fоrmѕ of marketing ѕuсh аѕ lіѕtіng іt оn thе іntеrnеt. It іѕ easy tо put your hоuѕе оn a wеbѕіtе. Thіѕ hеlрѕ уоu іn buying and ѕеllіng the рrореrtу vеrу soon. Yоu hаvе an advantage оf ѕhоwіng thе fасіlіtіеѕ in your рrореrtу to the buуеrѕ dіrесtlу.
Sо these are ѕоmе of the bеѕt ways tо sell hоuѕе fаѕt in Atlanta and if you fоllоw the above thеn уоu аrе sure tо guarantee a ԛuісk sale.
BTV Home Buying Services is a real estate solutions company based out of Fayetteville and to all cities of Atlanta Georgia. We’re a family owned business and focus on helping homeowners like you find solutions for your problem whether you’re going through a foreclosure, can’t sell your property, have a home in bad condition or maybe your inherit a house that you don’t want or just need to sell their Fayetteville house for all kinds of reasons. Contact Us Now Click Here

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ten Summer Moving Tips

How to prepare for a seamless transition

If you're moving this summer, the busiest season for moving, you know how daunting it can be. But if you create a blueprint for your move, the transition from house to house will go more smoothly.
Here are 10 things you can do to prepare for a seamless transition.
1. Full serve, partial serve or a do-it-yourself move. Can you do it alone or should you hire a licensed moving company for a full-service or partial-service move? This is one of the first and often most difficult questions soon-to-be moving households face. The answer depends on your lifestyle, household size, budget and amount of time you have to get everything accomplished. Get written quotes from at least three licensed moving companies so you know you’re getting the best deal based on your specific moving needs. Moving yourself or doing a partial-service move? Packing calculators can make it easier to estimate the amount of boxes and packing materials needed.
2. Plan to unpack BEFORE you pack. Take photos of each room in the new home before you arrive with furniture, plants, appliances and family in tow. Write down on a clip board where each item should go in your next home before packing, and carry it with you on moving day. List out the major items that need to be assembled first. As you place each item in its new room, cross it off the list and you will be one step closer to enjoying your new home.
3. Be strategic about packing. If you have more than a month to ‘pick up and move’, start early. Complete a free change of address and schedule utilities ahead of time at Start packing early. Whether it’s one room, one cabinet or a drawer at a time, weed through what may be years of accumulation. As you’re going through your belongings, divide everything into these helpful categories: donate to charity, give to a friend, recycle, trash, pack now, or keep handy until moving day. You’ll be surprised at how much you can donate, recycle or give to friends. And, you’ll not be overwhelmed with the task at hand three days before you move.
4. Moving is NOT child’s play. Plan ahead. Consider daycare on moving day, or get help from a friend or family member. Provide lunch or some other appropriate thank you gesture if you do call in a favor. If that’s not an option, prioritize setting up safe places for your children to play in the new home on moving day so they’re not underfoot. This will help everyone remain happy and calm on moving day.
5. Don’t fight with Fido. Sometimes we forget that all the packing and constant in-and-out of visitors is stressful for animals. Consider checking your pet into a daycare facility, or setting up a time for a friend to take them or check them into petday care. Don’t let your four-legged best friends get lost in the shuffle and remember to make day-of moving arrangements.
6. Keep track of small parts. Some items need to be broken down into pieces when moving, but do you know what to do with the small screws and washers that you end up with? Rather than tape them to the furniture, which can result in losing them, put everything in a baggie that is clearly marked and sealed. Keep all of the separate baggies together in one box on moving day and personally take it with you to your new home.
7. Take pictures of electronic hook-ups. Hooking up TVs, DVRs, home theater systems and computers can be challenging. Before unplugging any wires for the move, take a photo of the connections, print them out and label them in detail. This will create fewer headaches when setting up technology in the new home. Keep track of all loose wires using baggies or boxes that are clearly labeled, and personally carry these easy-to-lose items on moving day.
8. Packing cleaning products and toxins. Products such as detergents, pesticides and paint are heavy and unwieldy to pack. Dispose of as many as possible before the move in an eco-friendly way. Call your city’s waste disposal department for guidance on proper disposal. For items that must be transported, pack them in a small box within a larger box for protection against leaks. Don’t overstuff boxes with these items! Consider marking these boxes in a different color, and seal them extra tight. Keep them separate from the rest of the boxes, particularly if you have kids and pets.
9. Consider getting full value insurance protection. If using a professional mover, it may cost a few dollars extra, but it provides peace of mind and eliminates later annoyances. Investing in full value protection means any lost or damaged articles will be repaired or replaced, or a cash settlement will be made at current market value, regardless of age. It's important to note that the required minimum coverage of 60 cents per pound would not cover the replacement cost of more expensive items such as a flat screen TV if damaged in transit.
10. Know your rights. If using a professional mover, research your rights as a consumer with either the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for interstate moves or contact the state agency within the state in which you reside for moves within state. Also, enlist the help of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) or local law enforcement if the moving company fails to live up to its promises or threatens to hold your belongings hostage. FMCSA requires interstate movers to offer arbitration to help settle disputed claims.

Do you want to sell your house fast in Atlanta Georgia? Call 678-515-1761 answer the basic questions and we will contact you within 24 hours or visit BTV Home Buying Services website at for more information.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Short Sell Your Home To Avoid Foreclosure

When you’re having financial problems with your home simply because your adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) has reset to a rate you can’t afford, you’ve experienced a significant financial setback like losing your job, or you need to sell for whatever reason but your house is worth less than your mortgage, foreclosure may not be your only option. However, there is a last-ditch move that can salvage your credit and help you avoid bankruptcy. It’s called a real estate short sale, and for those who are left with few remaining financial options, it may be worth a try.
What exactly is a Short Sale?
In real estate, a short sale happens when a homeowner in financial distress offers his or her property for less than the amount due on the mortgage. The buyer of the property is a third party (not the bank), and all continues from the sale go to the lender. The lender both forgives the difference or gets a deficiency judgment against the borrower demanding him or her to pay the lender all or part of the difference between the sale price and the original value of the mortgage. In some states, this difference must legally be forgiven in a short sale.
Alternatives to a Short Sale
Before resigning yourself to a short sale, talk to your lender about the possibility of a revised payment plan or loan modification. One of these options might allow you to stay in your home and get back on your feet. Another possible option for staying in your home arises if you have private mortgage insurance (PMI). Many homeowners who purchased homes with less than 20% down were required to purchase PMI with their homes. If the PMI company thinks you have a chance at recovering from your current financial situation, it may advance funds to your lender to bring your payments up to date. Eventually, you’ll have to repay the advance.
If neither of these choices are a possibility, be ready to do a lot of work to finalized a short sale. While a foreclosure basically lets you walk away from your home (albeit with grave consequences for your own financial future, such as having to declare bankruptcy and destroying your credit), completing a short sale is labor-intensive. However, the payoff for the extra work involved in a short sale may be worth it.
Before beginning the process , consider the likelihood that your lender will want to work with you on a short sale by understanding its perspective . The lender is not required to do a short sale ; it will be allowed at the lender’s discretion . Make sure that the source of your financial trouble is new , such as a health problem , the loss of a job or a divorce . The reason you are no longer able to afford the home should not be something problematic about your financial situation that you did not disclose when you originally applied for the loan . The lender won’t be sympathetic to a dishonest borrower . However , if you feel you were a victim of predatory lending practices , you may be able to talk the lender into a short sale even if you have not had any major financial catastrophes since purchasing the home .
Also, be aware of other circumstances that may prevent the lender from wanting to do a short sale. Unfortunately, if you are not actually in default on your mortgage payments yet, the lender probably won’t be willing to work with you, even if you see the thunderheads looming over your backyard. Also, if the lender thinks it can get more money from foreclosing on your home than from allowing a short sale, again, the lender may not allow you to exercise this option. Finally, has anyone co-signed on your mortgage? If so, the lender may want to hold that person responsible for payment rather than doing a short sale.
If you think your situation is ripe for a short sale, talk to a decision-maker at the bank about the possibility of engaging in this type of transaction. Don’t just talk to a customer service representative, who is often more like a spokesperson and has no real authority. To work your way up the phone ladder, immediately ask to speak with the lender’s loss mitigation department. If you don’t like what the first decision-maker says, try talking to another one on another day and see if you get a different answer. If the lender is willing to consider a short sale, you’re ready to move forward with creating the short sale proposal and finding a buyer.
Proceed With Caution
At this point, you should consult an attorney, a tax professional, and a real estate agent. While you’re probably thinking that the last thing you can afford is to pay for these high-priced professional services, if you make a mistake by trying to handle a complex short sale transaction yourself, you may find yourself in even bigger financial trouble. If you’re already broke, perhaps you can pay these service fees out of the sale proceeds from your home. Professionals accustomed to dealing with short sale transactions will be able to give you guidance on how to pay them.
Find out what would affect your Credit Score
To put yourself in a more convincing position to complete a short sale, stop purchasing non-necessities. You don’t want to look irresponsible to the lender when it reviews your short-sale proposal.
When setting an asking price, make sure to factor the cost of selling the property into the total amount of money you need to get out of the situation. Of course, you want to sell the home for as close to the value of your mortgage as possible, but in a down market, there is bound to be a shortfall. In some states, even after a short sale, the bank will expect you to pay back all or part of that shortfall, but at least this amount will be significantly less than what you owed when you had a mortgage.
Gather all of the documents you’ll need to prove your financial hardship to the lender. These may include bank statements, medical bills, pay stubs, a termination notice from your former job or a divorce decree. It is up to you to come up with the short sale proposal. Be aware that the lender ultimately must approve a short sale after receiving all the details because the lender is the recipient of the proceeds. Your job is to find a buyer for your home.
Once you have a buyer and the necessary paperwork, you are ready to submit the buyer’s offer and your proposal to the bank. Along with the documentation of your distressed financial status, your proposal should include a hardship letter explaining the circumstances that are preventing you from making your mortgage payments. You want to make it as convincing as possible and protect your interests while also appealing to the bank. Be careful about submitting your financial information to a lender because if it does not approve the short sale, it may use your financial information to try to get money out of you in foreclosure proceedings. If you still have cash assets, you may be expected to use them to continue making mortgage payments or to make up some of the shortfall between the sales price and the mortgage amount. An attorney experienced in completing short sales can help you navigate the tricky details.
Hold Your Breath
Because short sales can take longer than regular home sales due to the need for lender approval, they often fall through. The buyer may find another property while waiting for an answer from you. Be prepared for this possibility.
Also, be aware that a short sale can still affect your credit score in the sense that the months of mortgage payments you missed prior to the short sale can show up as delinquent payments on your credit report. It is up to the bank to decide what to report, so it’s in your best interest to try to convince the bank not to report your defaulted payments. Your bank may be more likely to be generous in this regard if you brought up your hardship before you were significantly behind. For credit purposes, while this is somewhat damaging, it is certainly less damaging than foreclosure.
If the short sale transaction goes through, you can breathe a sigh of relief and start over with a major financial burden off your back. You probably won’t even have to pay taxes on the shortfall. Normally, the tax code treats forgiven debt as taxable income, but on December 20, 2007, President Bush signed the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007. Under this act, mortgage debt forgiven by lenders will not be taxable if the discharged debt is on their principal residence. This debt forgiveness only applies from 2007 to 2012, to a maximum about of $2 Million. The amount of debt forgiven still must be reported on your income tax return using Form 982. You should receive form 1099-C from your lender stating this amount. The IRS website can tell you more about how this legislation may affect you.
The Bottom Line
Not all lenders are willing to do short sales, and even when they are, short sales don’t always close. However, they are an excellent alternative to foreclosure and are worth trying to complete. Without the stains of foreclosure and bankruptcy on your credit report, you will be able to get back on your feet much faster.

Stop Atlanta Foreclosure? Sure You Can!

Even though there has definitely been some development in the economy, Atlanta foreclosurecontinues to be a very real situation for many Americans. Depending on where you reside foreclosures might have increased not decreased. If you are dealing with the loss of your home, arm yourself with information and understand the offered options.
This Is the Time TO Do Something – DON’T waste time
Have You Ever Explored All The Options To Stop Atlanta Foreclosure??
As jobs continue to disappear, more home owners deal with foreclosure. The thought of losing your home, your dream, can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, many borrowers sink into depression and fear, throw up their hands in defeat, and neglect to take any action. There are tips that can be taken to stop foreclosure.
One key to success in this endeavour is early action and determination on your part. You must get in touch with the lender as soon as possible to make your financial problem known. This is not the time for you to procrastinate since a delay can most certainly result in failure. Your home is not only one of the biggest financial investments you’ll ever make, it also represents your dream and keeps priceless memories.
This is the time to do something to stop foreclosure. You will need to do some research and discover the options available to you. Foreclosure laws and requirements differ from state to state. Your research should begin with understanding the laws and requirements for your state. In some states, the process moves immediately. Again, you can sabotage your effort to prevent foreclosure by your own inaction. It is time to act! It is advisable to arm yourself with information and prepare for battle with the lender.
Under President Obama’s plan to keep responsible borrowers out of foreclosure and in their houses, the home loan modification strategy is an excellent choice. Contact the loan provider to find out if you be eligible. As you take the first step, begin a log and take notes within this telephone call and every subsequent call. Your log should include date, time and name of the lender’s associate as well as your comments. Stay organized! Before making the call, be sure you have the right attitude. Remember, you are not in control of the situation. You have to remain calm, pleasant, polite and also firm.
The lender will require details about your present financial situation. To prepare for these questions, you will need to do a thorough financial inventory. What exactly is your earnings? What are your expenses? How much cash remains after paying these expenses? The bank will need a complete listing of assets and liabilities. This information needs to be finalized and precise. Yes, this inventory process is a chore, but it is crucial to your successful mortgage modification.
One of the lender’s first questions will be: “Why do you need a mortgage modification?” To support your requirement for the modification, the lender will require a hardship letter from you. This notice will explain what happened to create your present financial dilemma and when the situation first happened. For instance, a job loss, decrease in salary, or major medical problem that prevented employment. As you write this letter, be concise. The letter should include your name, address, lender’s name and the loan number. When the letter has been completed, spell checks it and read it aloud. Yes, this involves some time and energy but just remember the goal: stop foreclosure of your home. After you have explained the problem, offer the lender a solution. Obviously, at this time, you will suggest the outcome you are searching for. For example, “We feel that a loan modification will be beneficial to both of us.”
Anyone facing foreclosure needs to actively and persistently explore the available alternatives that can stop foreclosure. The lenders are not looking for to own your home. It is advantageous for both lender and borrower to stop foreclosure. Want to explore more of your options to Stop Foreclosure or want to sell your house fast in Atlanta Georgia? Call 678-515-1761 answer the basic questions and we will contact you within 24 hours or visit BTV Home Buying Services website at for more information.